
Graded Assignments

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Percentage of Final Grade



Essays: 30%

Each student must complete three take-home essays, which will be a written response to the study questions for any given week.  Responses to the questions should draw from assigned readings, but may also involve additional research.  Each essay response should be at least five pages but no more than ten pages.  Your response should be written as a single synthetic essay. Do not answer the study questions individually.  Your assignment is to identify and explicate a theme or idea in the assigned texts and study questions so as to provide insight into a particular historical experience, event, or persona.  What does this theme reveal about the west, about the United States as a country and or society.  Essays are due one week from the class to which they were assigned, and must be submitted to your drop box as a word doc.  The grader will retrieve your essay, make comments, and assign a grade using track changes.  She will return the graded document to your box. 


Participation: 20%

This class will focus on the development of interpretive, analytical, and presentation skills.  For each class students are asked to examine information from a variety of sources delivered through a variety of platforms.  Your task is to evaluate these sources of information to determine how they might be used to form a historical narrative.  Exploring the origin and nature of the assigned texts, students should be able analyze, interpret, and synthesize the content of specific historical and cultural artifacts.  Each class will focus on how we process and engage with information and ideas in order to assign meaning to the past, and to create a narrative understanding of past experience.


In order to develop this skill set, you will be asked to work collaboratively in small groups at the beginning of each class where you will work through the assigned study questions.  This will require that you read or watch the assigned materials before class.  Small groups will then be asked to present their findings briefly and succinctly.  You will also be called upon to answer follow up questions from the instructor or fellow students as they arise.  Each student will be expected to serve as the primary presenter for his or her group at least once during the semester.  There will be seven pop-quizzes during the course of the semester, each worth five points.  Only five of the quizzes will count toward your final grade.  The quizzes should be easy for anyone who has read or watched the assigned materials for a given classThese 25 points will represent a quarter or your participation grade. 



December 15

Final Research Project: 50 %

An original historical research project will serve as the final for this course. This research project may take the form of a traditional research paper 12 to 15 pages in length, or it may take the form of a wiki.  The wiki should be comparable in scope to a written paper 12 to 15 pages in length.  Regardless of the format the research project must center on the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of primary source evidence.  Your task is to find a historical event, person, or experience and explain why and how you think this subject is important and or meaningful in its particular historical moment, and now in the present day.




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